
A Storm of Passion – Book Trailer!

Woohooo!! The book trailer for my Kensington Brava – A Storm of Passion – went live today all over the internet. Here’s a link to it on the Kensington Books website … in case the imbed doesn’t work!

A Storm of Passion on YouTube

Terri B

PS – please ignore what looks like an Italian villa in my Norse/Scots medieval story…. LOL!

An update: apparently the trailer is down now, so that a misspelled word can be corrected….I’m hoping it is back live soon! I’ll post when it is….

Update #2 — the trailer is on You Tube again – but my name is misspelled in the title and tag so you have to look for either “A Storm of Passion” or “A Storm of Passion by Terri Brisban”…..instead of the way I spell my name… Hoping it will get corrected soon…


PS — an art historian friend corrected my comment about the building being an Italian villa — she told me it’s actually a medieval period church…probably Norman, which is correct for my story’s timing…. I stand corrected! LOL!