
RomCon Reader’s Crown Contest – I’m a Finalist!! Twice!!

Maybe it was appropriate that I was in Ann Arbor MI this week and visited the flagship Borders store? I found my brand new release on the shelves and signed the copies while visiting. (I was on a job trip to the University of Michigan Dental School for a few days….). Here’s a photo — borders-annarbor-and-undone-apr29

And then, in a nice turn of events, I got the call on my way home from the organizers of RomCon (a romance readers website, forum, convention and contest) that both of my 2009 books – A STORM OF PASSION from Kensington Brava AND THE CONQUEROR’S LADY from Harlequin Historicals — are finalists in the Best Short Historical Romance category of the Reader’s Crown Contest. The convention and the contest is being co-sponsored by Borders so, as I said, a nice twist to things this week!

The winners will be announced at the convention which is being held July 8-10 in Denver CO…. Maybe I’ll see you there? For more info, check out their website –


3 thoughts on “RomCon Reader’s Crown Contest – I’m a Finalist!! Twice!!”

  1. Carol L. says:

    Congratulations Terri.You certainly deserve it. I’m going to make it from Jersey one of these days to one of these conventions. 🙂
    Carol Luciano

  2. Bonnie Rovere says:

    Congrats! That is so cool! You look great in the pix too!

  3. Patricia says:

    Good for you

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