
Off. . . To. . . Ireland!!



On Wednesday, I’ll be heading out again – as usual in the springtime for me — but this time it’s a first — I’m going to Ireland for the first time! Although I’ll be on my own for a couple of days, I’ll be meeting writer friends in Dublin and then traveling south and west and out to the Dingle peninsula to spend a week writing… A dream trip for certain.


And, as I did on my last trip to Scotland in 2009, I’ll be posting some touring, traveling and research tidbits here on my website blog….and photos, of course!



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These photos are not ones I’ve taken but I hope to have some that will rival them…..and remind me of the magic and mystery of the place long after I arrive home.  So, cross your fingers and wish me luck as I set out alone….in a car…on the other side of the road!!   Talk to you soon!!

