
2 Golden Leaf Awards!

imgp2653 I atttended the NJRW Conference last week and was thrilled when both of my finaling books WON! POSSESSED BY THE HIGHLANDER was named Best Historical Romance and “Blame It On The Mistletoe” from ONE CANDLELIT CHRISTMAS was named Best Novella!


Since this is my ‘home’ RWA chapter and I’ve been involved there since joining in 1995 as everything from President to Board member to Programs Chair, it was a really treat to win.

Thanks to all the contest committee people and especially to the chairperson, Lyn Wagner, who managed to keep it a secret from me for weeks! The award is a beautiful carved glass ‘trophy’ that now sits next to my RITA finalist flag on my shelf…

Wooohooo……..I mean HUZZAH!

Terri B

4 thoughts on “2 Golden Leaf Awards!”

  1. Penney Wilfort says:

    Congratulations Terri that’s great.

  2. Bonnie Rovere says:

    WOW! That is terrific! Bring it to the book club next week if you are going so you can brag! I’m so happy for you. I wondered where you have been!

  3. Carol L. says:

    Congrats Terri,
    That must be a amazing feeling, not one but both of them winning. Wishing you much success “always”…
    Carol L.

  4. Lexi Connor says:

    Congratulations! But then again, you deserve it!

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